We’re Not the Crazy Ones

We’re Not the Crazy Ones By Rob Jenkins for American Thinker

Long gone are the days when “politics as usual” meant Democrats and Republicans quibbling over policy preferences. Today’s divide is more existential than political, between two sides — left versus right, progressives versus conservatives, statists versus classical liberals, however you want to phrase it — who see the world in fundamentally different terms, almost as if they live in two separate realities.

Okay, never mind the “almost.”

Since a good pocket definition of “insanity” is “out of touch with reality,” each side thus thinks the other is literally insane. You can see this play out daily on social media, as both sides shake their heads in stunned disbelief at the other’s inexplicable antics, which to them seem “crazy.” In this context, that’s not merely a pejorative.

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Given this state of affairs, how can conservatives be sure we’re not the crazy ones? How can we know our version of reality is correct, reflecting the world as it really is?

That’s a legitimate question. We conservatives tend to be naturally reflective and introspective, recognizing a moral and intellectual obligation to be honest with ourselves and avoid self-delusion. Moreover, about half the country is now arrayed against us, including the corporate media, Hollywood, the sports world, legions of bureaucrats, and even many of our own (former) friends and family members. Under such constant bombardment from the left, it’s natural to occasionally question ourselves. Are they right? Are we insane?

The short answer is: No, we’re not. They are.

Let’s start with the “postmodern” left’s repudiation, several decades ago, of the entire concept of absolute truth. That, of course, is illogical on its very face, because even if the only thing that’s true is that nothing is true, then there is still such a thing as truth. But apparently, they can’t see that. Nor are they self-aware enough to recognize the irony in insisting that their beliefs are true and ours are false when they refuse to accept the basic premise. It’s really quite rich to be accused of lying by people who don’t even believe in truth.

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