Silence The Demonic Noises…

Silence The Demonic Noises…

Prayer is one of the most powerful weapons that God has given us. The ability to hear His voice above all the noise and know that He is God. That still small voice needs room, needs quiet to be heard. The enemy, the devil, has been attacking us since Adam and Eve. The devil is well trained in teaching us what losers we are, how we are unworthy and constantly attempts to speak louder than God.

Pray him away. Rebuke the devils voice, “the strangers” voice that we should flee when it begins speaking. We should run to Jesus Christ and cry out for His strength, His mercy and His Word to breath life into us. This is not hard to do, nor should it be hard to remember. Every person reading this, starting right now pray for Jesus Christ to rebuke all the voices within except His voice. Ask Jesus Christ to fill each person with the Holy Spirit and to speak to each one of us and He will. Seek His voice, the voice we know. Knock upon His door and the doorkeeper will open it for the Good Shepherd who will lead us to victory over our weakness.

Prayer is one of the most powerful and useful weapons God has given us – only if we use it. Quieting the stranger and listening for God to speak should be the main stay of our day. Rebuke those voices covered in shame, guilt and fear and allow us to walk in freedom. Allow us to sit at the table before our enemies as Jesus Christ converts each one and each one of our enemies begins following Jesus Christ and lays down their arms. Their weapons are no match for the King of kings.

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Pray right now  something like this –

God, remove all the voices attempting speak that are not Your Voice. Rebuke, in the name of Jesus Christ, the voices of shame, guilt and fear as they have no place in our heart, mind, body and spirit. Father God strengthen us in Your Armor, the Full Armor of God, as we go out into the world and silence, with each step, with each breathe, silence the demonic noise attempting to pierce the Armor. Amen, amen, amen

Either the Gospel is the divine Word of God teaching us how to live and how to be a reflection of Him, or it’s nothing more than a historical account of events.

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