Remembering New Life for Chuck Colson (Podcast)

Remembering New Life for Chuck Colson Podcast by  and for Break Point

Chuck Colson was one of the great evangelical leaders of the twentieth and early twenty-first century. He had an enormous influence on so many different organizations, so many different Christians leaders, and, of course, so many individual people.

I can’t tell you how many times I meet someone who tells me, “Chuck Colson was my mentor,” even if they had never met him. They then go on to identify a book that Colson had written or a talk that he had given at some particular event. One of the striking things about it is that when someone names a book, it’s almost inevitably a different book each time.

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Make no mistake: Colson’s influence came about because of how Jesus Christ had changed his life. He was an incredibly gifted person. You have to be incredibly gifted to find your place just down the hall from the most important man on the planet some time in your thirties. Yet, this giftedness accompanied by what he would often admit was his pride, led Colson to an incredible fall, one that was public and in front of the entire world.

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