Two proposals with the preborn in mind

Two proposals with the preborn in mind from One News Now

GNN Note – I love reading about Tennessee being a driving force to honor our Father’s creations. I love when the people of my home state speak for the children in the womb. This is not about politics, it’s about people, members of the body of Christ and our brothers and sisters in Christ. But of course the enemy has agents everywhere who attempt to dictate to the many by way of the few. /END

Pro-lifers support the Tennessee Legislature’s effort to change two laws that affect the preborn.

Will Brewer of Tennessee Right to Life says his group is backing the Prenatal Life and Liberty Act (H.B. 1252) as it makes its way through the committee process.

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“Right now in Tennessee, if you kill a woman and her unborn child, you can be charged and convicted of double homicide,” Brewer explains. “But you can only be sued civilly under our wrongful death statute for the woman and then for the unborn child if that unborn child is past the point of viability, which is about 20-24 weeks.”

If passed, the proposal would allow civil lawsuits from the point of conception rather than viability in such a case. The measure would also ban certain wrongful birth lawsuits.

“This is when the doctor fails to disclose or fails to discover that there’s a genetic abnormality like Down syndrome, and if the parents give birth to the child and find this out and they say, ‘Well, we would have rather aborted this child than had it if we had known it had this type of condition,'” relays Brewer.

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