God Forgave Us…
“To be a Christian means to forgive the inexcusable because God has forgiven the inexcusable in you.” C. S. Lewis
When the day arrives and we realize that our lives are not as rich as they should be we begin looking around to see what’s missing, what happened and how this emptiness showed up “outta the blue”. Well, it didn’t just show up, it was already there we simply chose to ignore it.
For believers this day may come sooner than later, but those living in the secular world it probably shows up a little later in life – the so-called “mid-life crisis” is a prime example. Our lives seems to be less-than what we thought they should be by a certain age.
What most of us discover is a lack of forgiveness in our lives. Not that we have been forgiven but we haven’t forgiven those around us. The power of forgiveness is discussed in a number of places in the Holy Bible and Jesus Christ forgives us – for whatever we have done. We should find it easy to forgive someone who has wronged us in some manner.
Therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, put on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering; bearing with one another, and forgiving one another, if anyone has a complaint against another; even as Christ forgave you, so you also must do. ~Colossians 3:12-13 NKJB
Learning who, what happened and why can be a situation that most people are not willing to face. Well, the good news is God doesn’t want us to face it on our own. God wants us to work with another person to ensure that Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit are part of the situation. This helps with the doing, the cleansing and the removal of shortcomings. Having Jesus Christ, and another human being, with us creates a Trinity that is difficult to break. The “weight” of our individual situation is now carried by three, not just one. This should make it easier to do what must be done.
A heart that’s planted in forgiveness
Doesn’t dwell in the past
So why should I be? ~”Sparrows” – Cory Asbury
Our heart becomes lighter, with our Worship Basket cleaned out this allows more of God in our life. We are Designed to Worship and forgiveness sets our heart free to glorify God with each step taken. Forgiveness is one of the single most freeing aspects of Christianity we should not miss out on this beautiful moment in God’s presence. What a shame it would be to miss out.
Either the Gospel is the divine Word of God teaching us how to live and how to be a reflection of Him, or it’s nothing more than a historical account of events.