Prophecy: Jesus Is Preparing to Take Center Stage

Prophecy: Jesus Is Preparing to Take Center Stage by BILL YOUNT for Charisma News

“To whom He presented Himself alive after His passion by many infallible proofs, appearing to them for forty days, and speaking concerning the kingdom of God” (Acts 1:3).

For several days, I kept hearing the Lord say, “I’ve got something up My sleeve.”

I said, “Lord, what is it?”

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He said, “Only those who are close enough to Me, leaning against My breast, hearing My heartbeat and leaning on My everlasting arms, will see what it is. My people have heard from CNN, FoxNews, NBC, MSNBC, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. It is high time they hear from Me.”

I sensed His heart was beating fast with excitement to tell us. As I kept leaning against Him, I heard the Lord say, “It’s showtime!”

Giant Marquees Were Lighting Up

In the Spirit, I saw on giant marquees in front of theaters, hotels and many buildings throughout the world, the words, “It’s showtime!” He was announcing to planet Earth that He was coming to show up in a sovereign way to heal, deliver and manifest His glory. It was a kairos time to show and tell cities and nations what He had to offer. Just when we thought every light on earth had gone out and the stars had fallen from their sockets, His light was returning to the world, expelling darkness.

I was amazed as I saw Him overruling people’s belief systems and revealing Himself to them. He was touching atheists who didn’t believe in Him, but He believed in them. Witches, occults, Hollywood stars and many of His own people who, through great trials, afflictions and hope deferred, had turned away from Him were still being pursued by Him.

It was a day of His appearing once again as He was making public appearances throughout the world by visions and dreams to individuals, including world leaders and mass gatherings. To many, He was the uninvited guest who had invited Himself.

Jesus Steals the Show

Jesus was taking center stage. He was stealing the show. It’s not that we’ve been intentionally putting on a show ourselves, but it was His answer to our cry for the Lord to do something more in us and through us and beyond us. He was taking what we were doing and adding His touch and putting it on the big screen in HD and 3D-Technicolor.

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