John Bevere Says We Must Steward Our God-Given Gifts

John Bevere Says We Must Steward Our God-Given Gifts MICHAEL LOMBARDO for Charisma News

God has granted every single one of His children with spiritual gifts to use for His glory and purposes. Each gift is valuable and vital according to the Scriptures for the benefit of others and for expanding the kingdom of heaven on earth.

Many believers think pastors, teachers, authors or leaders in the body of Christ have the most important gifts, but that’s not true according to the Word of God. The apostle Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians all gifts are important. Each member of the body of Christ is needed, and not one role is greater than the other.

World-renowned author John Bevere received two prophetic words in the same week about God calling him to write books and, if he didn’t, God was going to give the call to someone else. Both of these words were convicting and earthshaking for John. He felt inadequate and incapable because he didn’t do well in English class growing up.

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He was the least qualified individual to become an international bestselling author. Instead of giving into fear and insecurity, he obeyed the Lord and began scribing the messages God gave him. He has now written over 20 books. They’ve been translated in over 90 languages worldwide, and he has given away millions of resources to pastors and leaders around the globe, who lack the resources to purchase them, to equip them in the Word of God.

On this episode of Awaken Podcast on the Charisma Podcast Network, I speak with John Bevere about his latest book which is surely a prophetic message to this generation in this time and hour. John states in his book the greatest indictor of faithfulness to God is multiplication.

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