What To Keep ON or IN Your Bedside Table Nightstand For Preparedness

What To Keep ON or IN Your Bedside Table Nightstand For Preparedness by  for Modern Survival Blog

A short list of things to keep nearby when you sleep. Ideally on (or in), or nearby your bedside table or nightstand.

Why? Because disaster can strike quickly. Because your personal security could become “front and center” real quick in the night. It just makes sense to be prepared.

What threats should you be especially ready for at zero-dark-thirty?

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Primarily FIRE or INTRUDER.

Quick Access Lamp

Most people have some sort of lamp at their nightstand. But if you don’t, then get one.


Similarly, and in addition, keep a flashlight on your bedside table nightstand. I keep a smallish tactical size flashlight there at all times.

>> My Nightstand Flashlight
(view on amzn)

Fire Extinguisher

You are wakened by the screaming of a smoke detector. As you try and focus while your sleepy mind begins to race – you wonder if it’s a false alarm? Do you smell smoke?

Keep a fairly good size fire extinguisher near your bed. It will help you egress if you need to get through a bad situation!

[ Read about: 3 Locations To Keep Fire Extinguishers]

Your Vehicle Key Fob

It’s a good habit to leave your car’s key fob on the nightstand. Why? Because most all of them have an alarm function for the vehicle. Press the button and the car alarm starts screeching. Good security, just in case.


Safely keep a gun within quick reach. Got kids? Keep a handgun in a quick access safe.

Extreme Caution

Anyone else living in the house? Then KNOW WHERE THAT SHOT MAY GO! (through walls). Even the smallest loads will go through at least two walls. Got neighboring houses next door? Again, KNOW YOUR BACKDROP. The best way to reduce over-penetration is to hit what you are shooting at.

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