WHAT THE DISCIPLES GOT WRONG ABOUT JESUS by Michael Horton for Core Christianity
“Nevertheless, I tell you the truth, it is to your advantage that I go away. For if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you but if I go, I will send him to you” (John 16:7). What could be so wonderful that it actually justifies Jesus leaving?
The disciples wanted a revolution.
If you look at the context, all of John 14-16 is one sermon that Jesus preached in the upper room. He’s in the upper room with his disciples. He washes his disciples’ feet and tells them this is about what he’s going to do for them going to the cross. Then he institutes the Lord’s Supper. He preaches his sermon, and this is his sermon: I’m leaving, but I’m going to send the Holy Spirit. The sermon, preparing his disciples for his departure, is all about the coming of the Holy Spirit.
Imagine what they’re thinking right now. Jesus is saying, “I’m going to go to the cross and die, and then be raised after three days.” They say, “What, no you’re not going to die, we’re not going to let you die. We’re your bodyguards. We’ll take care of you. No, no, the revolution is just beginning. Jesus, you’re the Messiah. We’re going to install you. Oh and by the way, can I sit on your right hand? Oh, can I sit on your left hand?” They’re thinking about a presidential inauguration, and they want to be enthroned next to him in this messianic kingdom.
Jesus’s throne is a cross.
Jesus is saying: “my throne is a cross. That’s where I’m going, I’m going to the cross and the people on either side of me on their thrones, are the two people crucified next to me. You don’t want to be one of those people.” And they’re just shaking their heads: “where is he going, I don’t get this. He’s saying he’s leaving. Why is he leaving?” Joshua didn’t leave when he was on the verge of bringing them out after the Exodus. Now is the conquest. We’re going to drive out the Romans and we’re going to set up the good old days again of the Jewish theocracy, the temple, and everything. With a Messiah, Jesus, sitting on his throne judging the whole world. This can be great. No, this is going to be great Jesus, stop talking about all this negative stuff. No, you’re not leaving. You’ve got to run this thing. Where are you going, can we follow you?”