Evangelizing Your World Podcast by Pastor John MacArthur for Grace to You
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I am really privileged to share this week in the marketplace, even though I’m probably the last guy qualified to talk about what it’s like to live in a secular environment. I live in a Christian hot house. I go from the church, to the college, to the seminary, to Grace to You, and never meet an unbeliever anywhere. My neighbors avoid me like the plague. If they see me coming, they run in the garage and shut the door because they’re sure they’re going to get a sermon on hell, or I’m going to ask them for money for some ministry. That’s not quite true, but it’s close. They do avoid me.
I have to work really hard at meeting unbelievers. I have to work really hard at making friends with non-Christian people, because they’re rare in my world; and I regret that. I wish it weren’t true. I have had opportunity to lead some people to Christ, people that really don’t know me in the Christian environment, but have just met me in another environment; and I consider that a privilege. I try not to reveal all the story about me when I meet somebody who is a non-believer, but try to make a friendship with them just as a human being and then see if I can have an impact for Christ.
You have a much more likely scenario, people who don’t surround themselves constantly with Christian people, and that’s a wonderful opportunity for you. Fortunately, the Lord has blessed me so that when I get up on Sunday and preach, I get to preach to unbelievers who are brought by people who are in the marketplace, and I get to present the gospel to them; and that’s a wonderful privilege.
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