Government sets out guidance for resumption of church services

Government sets out guidance for resumption of church services by Staff writer for Christian Today

GNN Note – When did the church begin taking orders from the state? Hasn’t it always been the other-way-round? hmmmm…

The church we began attending a few weeks ago is no longer following the dictates of the state but rather following the teachings of our Lord and Master, Jesus Christ.


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The Government has set out the precautions that churches need to take when they re-open for public worship from 4 July.

Guidance published on Monday includes a number of restrictions on worship, with churches told to avoid singing and using instruments that need to be blown into, although the organ is permitted.

Churches are preparing to resume public worship after being allowed to open for private prayer earlier this month.

The guidance has been produced with advice from the science community and the Government’s Places of Worship Taskforce made up of faith leaders.

“Places of worship play an important role in providing spiritual leadership for many individuals, and in bringing communities and generations together,” it reads.

“However, their communal nature can make them places that are particularly vulnerable to the spread of COVID-19.”

Weddings and funerals may resume with up to 30 in attendance.  Communal worship can take place with higher numbers subject to strict social distancing.

Places of worship are advised to adapt ceremonies and services so that they are “concluded in the shortest reasonable time”, with participants then “encouraged to move on promptly, to minimise the risk of contact and spread of infection”.

“If appropriate, you should reconfigure spaces to enable worshippers to be seated rather than standing which reduces the risk of contact,” the guidance reads.

It also recommends that where possible, places of worship continue to livestream events to avoid large gatherings and “continue to reach those individuals who are self-isolating or particularly vulnerable to COVID-19”.

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