Some Very Good Pentecost Sunday News From Nashville

Some Very Good Pentecost Sunday News From Nashville by Larry Tomczak for Charisma News

We are living through the most harrowing experience of our lifetime with the COVID-19 crisis and racial riots exploding in cities across our nation. Let’s be honest; it is a very discouraging time.

Upon arriving home on Sunday evening with my wife from a magnificent citywide event in the Nashville, Tennessee area, I felt compelled to share this account, hoping it will inspire and bless multitudes across this land!

On Pentecost Sunday evening, over 30 churches came together to display the unity we share in Jesus Christ. Over 10,000 people were involved; over 150,000 participated via streaming, radio and Facebook. Even our governor, Bill Lee (who is a committed Christian), attended and prayed a fervent prayer for justice and peace by the power of our living God!

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Just 24 hours before, there was a display in downtown Nashville of violence, rioting and racial discord over the recent tragedy in Minnesota. Yet here, just miles away, was a demonstration and celebration of authentic forgiveness, brotherhood, peace, justice, reconciliation and unity only possible when people have experienced the transformative power of the gospel.

On the first Pentecost, 49 days after the resurrection of Jesus Christ, representatives from over 15 different ethnic groups came together, heard the gospel, repented, were converted and experienced a supernatural impartation of the power of God through His Holy Spirit. The significant component that has significance for all Christians today is the fact that they were all in a state of unity or in “one accord” (Acts 2 is the historical record of the full account).

Unity Is Essential

In John 17, Jesus prayed for Christians, underscoring the absolute importance of relational unity even though there can be doctrinal differences. He prayed “that they may all be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You. May they also be one in Us, that the world may believe that You have sent Me” (John 17:21).

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