Chinese Propaganda Outlet Picks Crazy Fight Over Mike Pompeo’s Faith

Chinese Propaganda Outlet Picks Crazy Fight Over Mike Pompeo’s Faith By  for Faith Wire

As a kid, I remember learning about taking personal responsibility for my actions, rather than trying to pass the blame off to someone else. Apparently, that’s a lesson the Chinese Communist government is not interested in learning.

In the most awfully ironic way possible, China’s state-run media, the Global Times, has launched a disinformation campaign against Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and writers for the propaganda outlet are using the top diplomat’s Christian faith to fuel their outlandish attack.

“It is widely known that Christian doctrine opposes lying — it’s a sin,” reads the shameless editorial, which goes on to foolishly suggest the coronavirus began spreading in the U.S. many months ago. “A false witness shall not go unpunished.”

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Everyone knows, as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has made clear, the novel coronavirus first appeared in Wuhan, China. This is not a theory: it’s an established fact. And while government officials haven’t reached a conclusion yet, there has been some reporting to indicate the naturally occurring virus could have accidentally emerged from a lab in the Hubei province.

But like any kid trying to skirt responsibility, the Chinese government — known for committing horrific atrocities against Christians — is lecturing Pompeo on his faith in its bizarre attack against him, all because he’s holding the Communist regime accountable for its failures. While China was lying about the coronavirussuppressing its people and silencing the virus’ whistleblower, Li Wenliang, who died of the illness, the infection was spreading around the globe. Had Chinese officials acted three weeks sooner than they did, the number of coronavirus cases could have been reduced by 95% and its spread could have been much less prolific.

So now the Chinese government is using its propaganda rag to smear Pompeo for doing what its own citizens are jailed for doing: questioning Communists.

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