The Left’s Message to Samaritan’s Purse: You Cannot Be Christian by Michael L. Brown for Ask Dr Brown
It would be one thing if Samaritan’s Purse refused to treat a gay man. Or mocked a trans-identified individual. Or discriminated against a lesbian needing medical care. But none of that has ever happened. Instead, this massive, Christian humanitarian organization which serves each person alike is getting blasted by the left for one reason only. Samaritan’s Purse is a Christian organization which employs Christian workers and which believes in the historic teachings of the Bible.
That alone is their crime. That alone is their fault. And for that unthinkable transgression, for that monstrous evil, for the crime of being Christian, they are getting protested by the left.
It was bad enough that Franklin Graham’s evangelistic ministry in the UK was opposed because of his pro-Bible comments regarding sexuality and marriage. These days, that is the price for taking a stand for biblical truth and for opposing radical LGBTQ revisionism.
But it’s far worse when Graham’s humanitarian arm, Samaritan’s Purse, which selflessly serves the sick and hurting worldwide, is opposed because their statement of faith is Christian. What on earth has happened to our society?
As John Hirschauer noted in the National Review, “the volunteers for Samaritan’s Purse put themselves in harm’s way, acting as backstops for a municipal hospital system at risk of being overrun with coronavirus patients. The group’s Evangelical Christian volunteers expose themselves to infection and disease at no charge to patients, treating the sick without regard to race, religion, sexual orientation, or any of the other identity groups under putative ‘siege’ in the United States.”
Yet last Tuesday, April 15, NBC News reported that, “a group of LGBTQ activists stood several yards away from the Samaritan’s Purse field hospital on the East Meadow lawn and blasted city and state officials and Mount Sinai Hospital for partnering with the evangelical humanitarian relief organization treating overflow patients suffering from the coronavirus.”
As expressed by Jay W. Walker, an activist with the Reclaim Pride Coalition, “How was this group ever considered to bring their hatred and their vitriol into our city at a time of crisis when our people are fighting a pandemic?”
It is true, as NBC News noted, that, “The hospital is staffed with Christian doctors and nurses experienced in treating infectious diseases.”