The Devil’s Lying to You Today by CALEB GREGGSEN for The Gospel Coalition
Winston Churchill once quipped, “In wartime, truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies.”
It’s a humorous line. And, in a war, accurate. In political strategy, a useful tactic. But for Christians, who actually want the truth to be known by all, the cloud of confusion thrown up by false rumors, almost-truths, and fake news is toxic.
The lies that surround the truth of the gospel aren’t put there by God, who cannot lie (Heb. 6:18; Num. 23:19), but by the father of lies, who hates the truth and all who love him.
In The Gospel According to Satan: Eight Lies About God That Sound Like the Truth, Jared Wilson—assistant professor of pastoral ministry at Spurgeon College, author in residence of Midwestern Seminary, and general editor of For the Church—sets out to expose eight lies he sees as increasingly plausible to the modern mind.
Satan’s Lies and Precious Remedies
Even non-Christians know it’s a bad idea to believe the Devil’s lies. The trouble is spotting them. As Wilson writes, “The lies we believe today that erode our dependence on God and discredit our belief in the good news of his Son Jesus are not blatant. They are subtle. They make promises. They seem plausible” (xix). We need help—we need practice spotting his lies—because they often seem good.