Sadiq Khan Blames ‘Structural Racism’ For Disproportionate Coronavirus Deaths Amongst Minority Groups by KURT ZINDULKA for Breitbart
GNN Note – When you have nothing intelligent to add to the conversation… play the race card.
London Mayor Sadiq Khan has called on the government to start collecting and publishing the ethnicities of those infected with the Chinese coronavirus, claiming that “structural racism” in Britain has led to more racial minorities dying from the illness.
The mayor said that the idea that the COVID-19 virus is “great leveller” is “a complete myth”. He claimed that racial inequality was the reason why people of black, Asian, and minority ethnic (BAME) backgrounds have been overrepresented in the pandemic.
“Even though it can be uncomfortable for some to acknowledge, we cannot ignore the barriers of discrimination and structural racism that exist in our society, which contribute to ethnic minorities being more likely to suffer from poverty, have underlying health conditions and work in insecure, low-paid jobs,” Khan wrote in British left-wing newspaper The Guardian.
Khan said that because “people from ethnic minority backgrounds are overrepresented in poor, overcrowded accommodation, or households with multiple generations under one roof”, they are more likely to become infected with the virus.
“Many simply don’t have the luxury of being able to work safely from home during the lockdown. All of this contributes to a BAME population with worse health than average, lower life expectancy and a greater prevalence of serious underlying health conditions, such as heart disease, asthma and diabetes,” he added.
Khan demanded that the government start publishing the ethnicities of those who have been infected with the coronavirus immediately. The government has committed to releasing the demographic figures, but Khan said that “promises to provide this data in the future is not good enough – we need it to be collected and published right now. There simply is no good reason to wait.”