From Rebellion to Redemption: It’s Time for ‘The Return’ by JONATHAN CAHN for Charisma News
One of the most impactful stories in Scripture regarding a city going from near destruction to redemption is found in the book of Jonah.
“Get up, go to Nineveh, the great city, and cry out against it, because their wickedness has come up before Me” (Jon. 1:2).
Leader Kevin Jessip notes that the great Assyrian city of Nineveh was full of wickedness, yet God chose a man, Jonah, to warn them of coming judgment and destruction. But Jonah resented what the Lord was asking him to do. Then, after three days in the belly of a whale, Jonah cried out to God and repented himself for rebelling against the calling of God and attempting to flee from Him. The Lord spared Jonah’s life, so the second time God spoke, Jonah obeyed, entered Nineveh, and an amazing miracle took place.
“So the people of Nineveh believed God, and proclaimed a fast. And everyone, great and small, put on sackcloth” (Jon. 3:5).
This account of rebellion to redemption—both for Jonah and for the people of Nineveh—is parallel to the world today. Rebellion has happened, but will redemption occur?
This is the hope of national leaders across America, who have been Spirit-led to be involved in a movement called “The Return” on the Washington Mall on Saturday, Sept. 26, 2020, when thousands will gather to pray for the sake of our nation and its people.
“In Nineveh, the miracle began when the obedience from a reluctant prophet delivered the word of the Lord, and the people responded in humility, and turned back to the Lord in fasting, prayer and repentance,” Jessip said. “Hallelujah! Thank God for His mercy, which remains today! This is a pattern in Scripture that continues. Abominations occur in a land and a people. God chooses a man to deliver a warning prior to his righteous judgement. The word is accepted or rejected, depending on the choice exercised in free will, which brings about blessings or destruction.