Hungary to UN: If You Can’t Help Us Fight Pandemic, Get Out of the Way by JACK MONTGOMERY for Breitbart
GNN Note – President Orban is a no-nonsense Leader. He doesn’t take sass from anyone on any subject. Remember, this is the person that told NATO they were closing their border to the flood of illegal immigrants and were not taking any – zero – illegal immigrants. NATO responded with a threat of kicking them out of the alliance to which President Orban responded – that’s fine, Hungary is for Hungarians.
The Hungarian government has hit back at the United Nations and other globalist organisations over criticism of its anti-coronavirus policies.
“The Hungarian government’s primary concern during the coronavirus pandemic is the protection of human lives,” insisted Dr Zoltán Kovács, Hungary’s Secretary of State for International Communication and Relations, in an official blog post.
“Those voicing unfounded claims about our management of this crisis threatening democracy and the rule of law in Hungary are fighting an imaginary enemy,” he said.
In common with many countries, the Hungarian government has introduced measures which would be considered draconian in peacetime to combat the pandemic, declaring a state of emergency, suspending parliament — like Candada — and banning the publication of false information “capable of hindering or thwarting the effectiveness of the containment effort.”
Lockdown in France: Citizens Need Govt Form to Justify Why They Are Outside
— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) March 17, 2020
While globalist-led countries such as France, which requires citizens to fill in a government form every time they leave the house, have largely escaped criticism, given the extraordianry circumstances of the pandemic, Hungary’s pro-border, anti-multiculturalism government has been accused of sliding into dictatorship.
It is said that the measures against publishing false information, in particular, “could negatively affect the legitimate work of journalists and have a potentially chilling effect on freedom of expression in Hungary”, according to the United Nations Human Rights Commission.