Only THIS will DEFEAT THE NWO (Video)

Only THIS will DEFEAT THE NWO Video by R$E

GNN Note – New World Order (NWO) is not a new concept, it’s been around for the past 50+ years. Do you trust the government? Do you believe corporate media? Are public schools anything other than an indoctrination center? All these, and many more, institutions have been taken over by radical leftist pushing a particular agenda – the satanic globalist agenda, otherwise known as the NWO. Why are their three sovereign nations within other nations that do not report to anyone and are not bound by the laws, regulations or rules of the “host” nation? Washington, DC, the City of London and Vatican City are the three sovereigns. Look it up, it’s there for the world to see. Washington DC – military, City of London – finance / economics and Vatican City – religion. I’ll just leave it right there for you to smoke-it-over for a minute.

By the way, I don’t care if you call me a “theorist” or crazy or whatever…the facts remain and it’s your lack of questioning that has created an environment ripe for the picking. I’ve heard it said the greatest trick of the devil is to get people to believe he doesn’t exist. That’s what happens when people either don’t question or stop questioning.


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