Hard to Believe – Full Documentary – Now free to watch during coronavirus lockdown (Video)

Hard to Believe – Full Documentary – Now free to watch during coronavirus lockdown Video by Swoop Films

Within China’s medical infrastructure is a dark secret that we expose in “Hard To Believe.” The information in the film has been used as evidence in the recent China Tribunal for investigating allegations of forced organ harvesting from prisoners of conscience in China. This is a crime the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) would like to keep hidden at all costs. It is a significant factor in why the CCP has not allowed the international medical community in to help stop the spread of the corona virus.

We’ve made our award-winning documentary “Hard To Believe” available online free during these times of uncertainty. Accurate information is more important than ever.

Follow Swoop Films to get notified about our new film “Finding Courage” — coming soon.

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