Wonder (Video)

Wonder Video by Hillsong

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Have you ever seen the wonder
In the glimmer of first sight
As the eyes begin to open
And the blindness meets the light
If you have so say

I see the world in light
I see the world in wonder
I see the world in life
Bursting in living colour
I see the world Your way
And I’m walking in the light

Have you ever seen the wonder
In the air of second life
Having come out of the waters
With the old one left behind
If you have so say

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I see the world in light
I see the world in wonder
I see the world in life
Bursting in living colour
I see the world Your way
And I’m walking in the light

I see the world in grace
I see the world in gospel
I see the world Your way
And I’m walking in the light
I’m walking in the wonder
You’re the wonder in the wild
Turning wilderness to wonder
If You have so say
I see the world in love
I see the world in freedom
I see the Jesus way
You’re the wonder in the wild

I see the world Your way
And I’m not afraid to follow
I see the world Your way
And I’m not ashamed to say so
I see the Jesus way
And I’m walking in the light

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