End-Times Expert Tom Horn Shares Supernatural Encounter Behind Wormwood Prophecy

End-Times Expert Tom Horn Shares Supernatural Encounter Behind Wormwood Prophecy by STEPHEN STRANG for Charisma News

Biblical prophecy is showing up in the news more and more nowadays, especially with all the talk about Iraq and the war with Iran. Through his new book, The Wormwood Prophecy, end-times expert Tom Horn is shedding light on last-days prophecy that we are watching unfold before our eyes. And on my podcast today, he shares about a supernatural encounter he had that actually led him to write the book.

Horn has his own show called SkyWatch TV, which I had the privilege of joining him on earlier this month. We talked about Donald Trump and how the impeachment will affect his chances for the 2020 election, but we also had the opportunity to talk about The Wormwood Prophecy.

He told me that one end-times prophecy Christians might be tempted to overlook in the book of Revelation has to do with something the apostle John calls “Wormwood.” The passage talks about mountains crashing into the earth and destruction that breaks out. The symbolism within this passage can make it difficult to understand.

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In his book, he reveals the symbolism behind the passage about Wormwood, showing how it is actually a giant asteroid. Scientists actually believe that this asteroid will collide with the Earth, making it possibly the greatest collision in history.

If this does indeed happen, then if you take into account the speed at which this asteroid is traveling, it seems it will hit the earth within 10 years.

Interestingly, the premise of this book came directly from a supernatural experience, Horn tells me.

“I came home one night from work and went to bed as usual,” he says. “The next thing I know, I’m standing in front of a brilliant white light. Now, somehow, in my mind, I knew that I was standing in front of God. I also somehow in my mind knew that He had told me some things. But then He said, ‘It’s time for you to go back now and you’re not going to remember what I’ve told you.'”

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