Be Not Drunk with Wine (Podcast)

Be Not Drunk with Wine Podcast by Dr. Pastor, John MacArthur for Grace to You

I would call your attention this morning to Chapter 5 and verse 18.  This is where we left off last time, and we’re going to be looking at the Spirit-filled life.  The Spirit-filled life.  Obviously, to anyone who has been a Christian for any amount of time, you are well aware that this is a tremendously important text.  A very familiar one, an area of study that is to be dealt with, really, by every believer if he or she is to really comprehend what it is that God is asking of us.  This is one of those absolutely crucial texts, a locus crucis, if you will.  In fact, there is no more important area in all of the worthy walk than this particular reality.  The filling of the Spirit is critical for living the Christian life by God’s standards. 

Now, you will remember that I have been trying to show you the book of Ephesians as a whole, and a couple of times I’ve mentioned that you can view the book of Ephesians like a high-performance automobile, and in chapters 1, 2, and 3, you have the description of the automobile particularly majoring on its power plant.  In other words, God is saying, “As a Christian, this is who you really are.”  And He gives this phenomenal description of our position in Christ in the first three chapters.  He describes the power plant that we have, the resurrection power that’s available to us, all of the tremendous inheritance that God has given us, and so in chapters 1 through chapter 3 verse 13, we have that great description of the believer as if he were a high-powered, high-performance automobile.  Then we noted in chapter 3 verses 14 to 21 that the apostle Paul describes what I like to call the ignition switch.  Doesn’t do any good to have a high-powered engine if you don’t turn it on.  And so in chapter 3, verses 13 or 14 on, it talks about the ignition switch, how you turn the power on, getting started.  Continue Reading Transcript / Part 1 >>>

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