10 Amazing Health Benefits Of Coffee

10 Amazing Health Benefits Of Coffee by Natural Blaze Coffee might seem to have become the premier symbol of our modern fast-paced lifestyle. Often used as a quick wake-up, midday pick-me-up, or to get through a late-night cram session for school or work, coffee as a beverage is only increasing in popularity. Coffee’s history as a beverage that made its way from the Arabian peninsula into Europe and beyond is indeed an interesting one. However, the use of coffee in its entirety is being studied more closely and could place coffee in a whole…



THE PROPHECIES OF ISAIAH AND THE END TIMES by Geoffrey Grider for Now The End Begins On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we will be taking a deep-dive into the many prophecies of the end times that God gave Isaiah and examine them in the light of where we are right now on the last days timeline. Isaiah prophesied about the both the First and Second Comings, the time of Jacob’s trouble, the Antichrist, the Millennial Reign of Jesus Christ and the Temple that will exist during that thousand year time…


“Too Many to Count”: The Global Persecution of Christians

“Too Many to Count”: The Global Persecution of Christians by Raymond Ibrahim for Gatestone Institute “It’s easy to go about our lives and forget that in places like Nigeria, Iran and North Korea being a Christian can often lead to death.” — Vernon Brewer, founder and CEO of World Help, Fox News, November 4, 2019. “4,136 Christians were killed for faith-related reasons. On average, that’s 11 Christians killed every day for their faith.” — Open Doors, World Watch List 2019. More than 245 million Christians around the world are currently suffering…