Christian Hymn Society Releases ‘Queer Hymns’ for LGBT+P for Pedophilia

Christian Hymn Society Releases ‘Queer Hymns’ for LGBT+P for Pedophilia by THOMAS D. WILLIAMS, PH.D. for Breitbart

GNN Note – Why do we, the 97% that are normal, have to put up with this nonsense? Look no further than this type of “church” to the ones that we report about being on the skids. These churches are dying off because people are sick and tired of the blasphemy. This has nothing to do with Christianity and everything to do with Christian genocide. Notice this material is targeting the U.S. and Canada because if they attempted to push this garbage in Central America, South America, Eastern Europe and parts of Africa they would either be run out of town or killed on the spot.


A group known as the Hymn Society has released a collection titled Songs for the Holy Other: Hymns Affirming the LGBTQIA2S+ Community for liturgical use in the United States and Canada.

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Among the nearly 50 “queer hymns” featured in the collection are: “God of Queer Transgressive Spaces,” “Lovely, Needy People,” “Quirky Queer and Wonderful” and “The Kingdom of God is the Queerest of Nations.”

The ecumenical, non-profit Hymn Society released the hymnal in July but it was publicized just last week by Anglican Journal, the publication of the Anglican Church of Canada, which praised the work for offering “further potential for music as a source of affirmation and inclusion.”

Sydney Brouillard-Coyle, the “gender-non-conforming” music director at St. Paul’s Anglican Church in Essex, Ontario, called the collection “an amazing resource for music directors and for priests who are looking for hymns that are affirming for the LGBT community.”

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