Why These Prophetically Significant Trends Should Alarm the Church

Why These Prophetically Significant Trends Should Alarm the Church by GARY CURTIS for Charisma News

It is hard for me to realize, but I was born during the transition from the “Greatest Generation” to the post-World War II “Baby-Boomer Generation.” This statistical grouping is designated roughly as those born after the end of WW II (1945) and before the assassination of President Kennedy (1963). Along with more than 76 million others, I am a Baby Boomer!

In those supposedly “peaceful” years of the early Boomer Generation, post-war families were started and the economy expanded to meet the demands of these demographic developments worldwide. Men and women still made public declarations of love and commitment to each other for life-long relationships and to joyfully have and nurture children in the ways of the Lord.

Today, many slow-to-mature millennials (born 1980-1994 and who may soon out-number the yet living adult Boomers) have become disillusioned with the political, cultural and climate changes around them. Some have become hardened pessimists and believe everything is bad and getting worse; bringing kids into this nightmarish world scape, they say, would be too expensive and tantamount to child abuse.

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The practical and moral consequences of this kind of selfish thinking and private choices have contributed to the unprecedented worldwide trends of declining fertility and live births, not to mention the alarming rise of legal abortions and even euthanasia.

Democratic presidential candidates all affirm and promote abortion as a “right” and believe it should be part of women’s government-paid or subsidized health care coverages. Elizabeth Warren says abortion is “no different than having tonsils removed.”

So much for the sanctity of unborn human life.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the Democratic “Congress-person” from New York’s Staten Island, represents this selfish, humanist, and escapist thinking when she says: “The world is going to end in 12 years. If you have kids, it will end in probably like six years or something because they’ll just breathe more.”

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