Facebook has been pushing deeper into augmented reality technology, including the development of a hands-free pair of AR glasses. In 2017, it announced a “brain-computer interface” that could someday let people turn their thoughts into actual text on a screen by monitoring signals in the brain. The CTRL-Labs technology is attempting to solve a similar problem. “The wristband will decode those neural signals and translate them into a digital signal your device can understand,” wrote Andrew Bosworth, Facebook’s head of AR and virtual reality, in a post announcing the deal. “It captures your intention so you can share a photo with a friend using an imperceptible movement or just by, well, intending to.”
Facebook Inc. agreed to acquire CTRL-Labs, a technology startup that is building software to let people control a digital avatar using only their thoughts.
Back in the late 1990’s there was a Christian film series on the end times called Apocalypse, produced from the Left Behind people and released by Cloud Ten Pictures. They all had to do with life on earth after the Rapture of the Church and showed us a world in the time of Jacob’s trouble, that ends in the time known as the Great Tribulation. From a doctrinal perspective they were hit and miss at best, but they were compelling to watch because we got to see the end times acted out. The second film in the series had a fascinating plot line. It involved an entire world connected to the Internet, now controlled by the Antichrist, and his crowning achievement was giving an unsuspecting, adoring world the “Day Of Wonders”.
“And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.” Revelation 13:15 (KJV)
The Day Of Wonders was, as you might have guessed by now, Virtual Reality. Everyone in the whole world was to be given a headset to see this incredible new world that awaited them there, but what they got when they put them on was anything but that. I won’t spoil the ending for you if you decide to go and watch the movie, and you absolutely should get a copy and see it for yourself. What would have brought a wry smile to your face a few years ago will now instill full on goosebumps when you really consider what is now happening. Take a moment and go visit the Oculus Store to see what I mean.
Facebook to Buy CTRL-Labs Startup for Controlling Computers With Your Mind
FROM YAHOO! FINANCE: Facebook, the world’s largest social network is paying between $500 million and $1 billion, according to people familiar with the deal. The closely held four-year-old startup, which has dozens of employees and has raised tens of millions in venture capital, uses a bracelet to measure neuron activity in a subject’s arm to determine movement that person is thinking about, even if they aren’t physically moving. That neuron activity is then translated into movement on a digital screen. Facebook declined to comment on the price of the acquisition.
- RELATED ARTICLE: Visit the NTEB Archive On The Mark Of The Beast
Technology like CTRL-Labs’s may someday be a crucial part of products like augmented reality glasses, where a user might want to control a computer without the need for buttons or a keyboard. “Your hands could be in your pocket, behind you,” explained Thomas Reardon, chief executive officer of CTRL-Labs, at an industry conference last December. “It’s the intention to move, not the movement” itself that controls the avatar, he said.
The Strong Delusion
“And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.” 2 Thessalonians 2:11,12 (KJV)