‘We’d Be Unstoppable’: Farage Calls for Pact with Tories, Vows to Destroy Labour in the North

‘We’d Be Unstoppable’: Farage Calls for Pact with Tories, Vows to Destroy Labour in the North by Victoria Friedman for Breitbart

Nigel Farage has called on Boris Johnson to agree to an electoral pact between the Brexit Party and the Tories, after Remainer MPs voted to make no deal Brexit illegal.

Speaking to the BBC on Thursday morning, Mr Farage, who has made similar offers before, said “at some point, he’s going to need to [talk to me]… because he’s made this decision that he has to deliver Brexit, he’s sacked 21 of his MPs who are essentially Remainers. He cannot win an election, whenever it comes, if the Brexit Party stands against him.”

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The Leave campaigner said that such a “non-aggression pact” would result in the Brexit Party pledging to not field candidates in seats such as in the West Country where Johnson “faces a challenge from the Lib Dems” and the Tories stay out of Labour-Leaver dominated areas of the North, where the Brexit Party is more likely to win.

However, as with Mr Farage’s offer from earlier in the week, Johnson would need to drop Theresa May’s withdrawal treaty, and fully pursue a no-deal Brexit.

“It’s a very logical deal if you put the support of Boris Johnson’s Conservatives and the Brexit Party together. The truth is in a General Election with a clear policy we’d be unstoppable,” Mr Farage said.

Prominent Conservative and chairman of the European Research Group Steve Baker made the admission earlier this week that the Conservatives would need a pact with the Brexit Party to stop the “Remain Coalition” and prevent a split of the Brexit-supporting vote. Mr Baker said that if “the Brexit Party think that we are heading in a direction which does not deliver our independence from the EU, then they will stand candidates virtually everywhere.

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