Prophetic Word: ‘I Am Releasing Another Baptism of Fire Upon My People’

Prophetic Word: ‘I Am Releasing Another Baptism of Fire Upon My People’ by MATT SORGER for Charisma News

Recently I was in a meeting in London, England. During the worship, I began to smell a burning incense in the room. I thought there must be something burning in the church.

After walking around the sanctuary, I soon realized it was a supernatural sign and wonder from God. The sanctuary had filled with a burning incense smell, like fire. As I continued to worship, the Lord opened up my spiritual vision to see an angel standing at the altar. He held a bowl in his hand from which proceeded a burning incense. Its smell filled the whole room.

Then the Holy Spirit told me to turn to the book of Revelation. I opened right to Revelation, Chapter 8. This is what I read:

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Another angel, having a golden censer, came and stood at the altar. He was given much incense to offer with the prayers of all the saints on the golden altar which was before the throne. The smoke of the incense, with the prayers of the saints, ascended before God from the angel’s hand. Then the angel took the censer, filled it with fire from the altar, and threw it onto the earth. And there were noises, thundering, lightning, and an earthquake (Rev. 8:3-5).

Without going into all the eschatology of this verse, it was about an angel standing before the altar with a golden censor. From this censor, burning incense was released which mixed together with the prayers of the saints. As a result of this, fire from the altar in heaven was released down to the earth.

The Lord spoke to my heart, “I am releasing another baptism of fire upon My people.”

The sign of the burning incense was the Lord speaking to us that a new baptism of fire is coming upon the body of Christ. Anything that does not look like Jesus, act like Jesus, talk like Jesus, think like Jesus … is going to be burned up, until the only thing left in us is Jesus.

Everything that hinders the perfect image and nature of Christ in us is going to be burnt up in the fire of God. The Lord showed me what looked like walking flames of fire. This baptism of fire is going to be so all-consuming that we are going to look like walking flames of fire, exuding the very nature and fragrance of Christ.

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