Crucified — Luke 23:33-49 Podcast by Pastor Colin Smith for The Orchard
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We are going to look today at what Jesus Christ accomplished for us through his death on the cross. Please open your Bible at Luke 23.
And when they came to the place that is called The Skull, there they crucified Him! – Luke 23:33
If you had been at the cross, you would have seen nails driven through the hands and feet of Jesus, fixing Him to a wooden beam that was raised up and dropped into the ground.
If you had been at the cross, you would have seen two criminals crucified on either side of Jesus (Luke 23:23). You would have heard the crowds mocking Jesus and shouting insults at him (Luke 23:35–36). And you would have seen soldiers gambling over His garments (Luke 23:34).
If you had been at the cross you would have heard the voice of Jesus. The Bible records that our Lord spoke seven times during the six hours he was hanging on the cross.