‘Climate Change Must be the Lens Through Which We View Everything’

‘Climate Change Must be the Lens Through Which We View Everything’ By CNSNews.com Staff

GNN Note – To say we don’t believe a single word about global warming / climate change would be a massive understatement. We believe in science. We believe what the satanic globalist told us with their own words about global warming / climate change. Cory, “Spartacus”, Booker is merely carrying water for his owner.


Sen. Cory Booker (D.-N.J.) sent out a Tweet today saying that climate change is an “existential crisis” and “must be the lens through which we view everything.”

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“Climate change must be the lens through which we view everything—it’s the existential crisis of our lifetime and the only way we’re going to deal with this threat is if the United States leads,” Booker said in his Tweet.

The Tweet also featured a video clip from Booker discussing climate change in the Democratic presidential primary debate broadcast by CNN on July 31.

“First of all, this problem didn’t start yesterday,” Booker says in that clip from the debate. “Science didn’t become a reality yesterday. This has been going on for years. There was another president that would not join an international accord. Then it was the Kyoto accords. I was mayor then.

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