Club of Rome & UN Invent Global Warming Scam and Devise Agenda 21 Video by jorgedefoe1
Australian Politician Ann Bressington tells how Club of Rome and the UN plan to create a worldwide scam through inventing and promoting global warming and Agenda 21 etc.
This Video is a direct copy from the Youtube channel of Bushvision and is repeated here simply to aid exposure of the important information to the general public.
At last an Aussie politician who tells it like it is.
On a personal note……
YES, I believe the world does need to drastically change its ways to reduce the rampant commercial rape and pillage of the earth’s resources, but the people of the world should not be held to ransom to this cause by the schemes of the elite such as Agenda 21 or New World Order bogus fear based control mechanisms.
Some of the many societal mechanisms that have been used to control humanity are:-
Our own hedonistic need for the products of consumerism and pseudo-prosperity.
Our perceived need for salvation from outside sources such as via religion. (praying to be saved).
Our pathological need to be popular or to be recognised in order to massage our personal egos.
All of the above are relate directly to the individual.
Thus it is up to each individual to change the course of humanity through self-awareness and to inform others of the problem.
Obviously it is totally useless to ask or demand that our so called Governments fix this.
I am convinced that Mass Awareness, Understanding Our Sovereign Rights and then the use of Passive Resistance will be the only way to reverse the situation.