The Book of Romans: The Resurrection Makes It Real (Video)

The Book of Romans: The Resurrection Makes It Real Video by Pastor JD Greear for Summit Church

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Death has been defeated! Amen!

At the center of Christianity is not a new moral code or a new perspective on life, but an empty tomb that literally changes everything.

● I did hear about one young pastor (true story) who decided that if this was the only weekend certain people would ever come (and it’s true, 50%!), he was just going to tell them everything they need to know about Christianity in one queen-mother-of-all sermons.

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● He preached for 90 minutes. True story. It was a junk drawer sermon: little bit of this, little bit of that.

● The next year, Easter was the lowest attended Sunday of the year.

So, I’m not going to do that today. I’m going to stay on script. I’m going to talk about the resurrection and what it means for you. BTW, we’ve already had a number of services this weekend–first was Wed on CH campus. Room filled to capacity. Told the students it was earliest Easter service I had ever been a part of. Jesus hadn’t even died yet–so, spoiler alert. 15 professions of faith.

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