Piers Morgan, when did Jesus say that? by Michael Brown for Christianity Today
GNN Note – I don’t know anything about the path that Piers Morgan is currently on nor how close he is with God. I can’t remember ever hearing him discuss his faith or his relationship with God. For this reason I would discard just about everything he has to say about the Gospel. Maybe that’s wrong on my part and I’m okay with that.
Speaking to a British doctor who affirmed that there are only two sexes, Piers Morgan said, “Jesus Christ told you to be tolerant of people as well and you seem to have failed that test.”

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With all respect, Piers, could you tell us exactly where Jesus told us to be “tolerant of people”? And would you be kind enough to let us know where you get the idea that Jesus differed with the doctor’s assessment?
Without a doubt, Jesus taught us to love our neighbor as our self.
In fact, He taught us to follow His example of sacrificial love. No follower of Jesus could possibly dispute that.
He taught us to be kind to the unkind, merciful to the merciless, generous to the stingy, and loving to the unlovely.
That is not in dispute.
But was Jesus “tolerant of people”?
If you mean, did He teach that all beliefs were equally valid or that all behaviors were acceptable (as long as they didn’t “hurt” others), the answer is no. He was anything but “tolerant.”
His teaching was totally exclusive (John 14:6) and His standards incredibly high (Luke 14:25-33). If you don’t believe me, just take out your Bible (or get online) and read the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5-7.
Or read the Lord’s rebuke of religious hypocrites in Matthew 23. He was hardly “tolerant” of them.