The Book of Romans: The Tale of Two Adams
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I hope you brought your theological big boy pants this weekend and that you have the belt on those things pulled tight, because this one is going to be a doozy.
I mentioned toward the beginning of this series that I think this is 1 of the 2 most difficult passages in Romans.
● It’s not hard to comprehend what’s being said, per se; it’s just difficult to get your mind around the logic and the fairness of them.
To be really candid with you, this is one of those passages where I’ve really struggled to believe, and I’ve sensed God saying to me, “Look, are you willing to accept my word just because it is my word and comes with my authority, or do you feel like you need to understand and agree with it before you’ll accept it?
● I’ve sometimes thought about faith like this (and I’ve shared this with you)– What if Jesus came to me, in the midst of all these questions, and said, “I’m not going to explain… Are you willing to trust me… to doubt your doubts?”
● BTW, this is what Jesus said to Peter when Peter had some unanswered questions. There was a bunch of Jesus’ followers who had problems with what Jesus was teaching and they stopped following him. Well, Peter had the same objections as everyone leaving, so he says, “Jesus, I sympathize with those leaving… I don’t understand (this or that).” Jesus doesn’t explain, he just said, “Are you going to go away like them?” Peter said, “Where can I go…?”
● That’s how I’ve felt sometimes. The evidence for Jesus being the Son of God is undeniable to me. The evidence for his resurrection is solid. So where else could I go?