False Pride Month Ends, Just Like Empires End

False Pride Month Ends, Just Like Empires End by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network

We bring you two stories showing the unfolding collapse of society. If you don’t believe this is how economies, nations and societies collapse I would challenge you to review history and let me know what you find. Oh, that’s right, you will find this same type of debauchery was happening at the end of every empire throughout history. You can start here to see a wider view of what is happening, why it’s happening and who it’s happening to – click here now – The Essence of Collapse

Christian mom forced out of library drag show by cops and harassed by Antifa speaks out

A mother who was physically removed by police from a public library that was hosting a “Teen Pride” LGBT event says what she witnessed amounted to hours of child “grooming.”

In an interview with The Christian Post on Monday, the mother, who spoke on condition of anonymity because local activists have been making threats against her, explained what happened after she and other concerned parents went to the event in Renton, Washington, posing as supportive advocates so they could document what they saw.

Among the exhibitor items available for the taking by anyone were condoms and sex lubricant, she explained. Eight $50 gift cards for chest binders — used by trans-identifying females to flatten their breasts in order to appear more masculine — were raffled. Bookmarks shaped like penises inscribed with a lewd message that employed book titles like Moby Dick, Lord of the Flies, and Fifty Shades of Grey as double entendres were also freely given away. Continue Reading / Christian Post>>>

‘The Church Is Under Attack’: CA Lawmakers Pass Measure Forcing Pastors to Embrace LGBT Ideology

The California State Assembly has passed a resolution telling pastors to affirm homosexuality in violation of their biblical beliefs.

Assemblyman Evan Low and three dozen other lawmakers pushed the resolution in the state Assembly Judiciary Committee that’s aimed at telling religious leaders in California what they should preach from their pulpits.

The measure passed this week, thanks in part to the help of Dr. Kevin Mannoia, Azusa Pacific University chaplain and the former head of the National Association of Evangelicals.

Liberty Counsel says Mannoia “has become a prop for the LGBT agenda by directing pastors and counselors to reject biblical views of sexuality and deny counseling for those struggling with unwanted same-sex attraction or gender confusion.” Continue Reading / CBN News>>>

What’s amazing is acceptance by the church community, the silence of the church community and, the most important part, the support of the church community. Until the church community disavows the ideas of modern society and turns back to the actual teachings of the Bible and the Gospel the acceleration of collapse will continue.

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