Why You May Be Worshipping a False God Without Realizing It by TERESA SHIELDS PARKER for Charisma News
Contrary to popular opinion, you can live without doughnuts, cakes, cookies, pastries or even the latest new, easy dessert recipe. What’s more, you can be happy, satisfied and more in tune with God’s purposes for your life. You just have to learn to keep your crumbs off the throne that only belongs to God. Let me explain.
Recently I talked about Seven Keys for Spiritual Weight Loss. Today I want to talk a little more about the first and most important key—God is God. There is no substitute.
First Commandment
This may seem like a no-brainer, especially if you’ve been in church for any length of time. It’s the first commandment.
“I am God, your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of a life of slavery. No other gods, only Me” (Ex. 20:1-3, MSG).
You may say, “Yes, of course. I only worship the Lord God. I don’t worship gods of any other religions.”
Wait, though. Go back. That is not what He is talking about in this commandment. That’s the second commandment about bowing down to man-made and foreign gods.
God of the Breakthrough
What God is talking about in the first commandment is to worship Him as the God of the breakthrough, the God who delivers from bondage. Only the Lord God Almighty can do that.
God is the one who rescued the children of Israel from the tyranny of slavery at the hands of the Egyptians. This is a precursor to what Jesus did for us on the cross. His death, burial and resurrection led the way for our freedom. All we have to do is accept the sacrifice He gave for us and our bondage to sin is broken. We are free whether we act like it or not.