Democrats’ passage of “Equality Act” is the first stage in their attempts to CRIMINALIZE Christianity and throw all practicing Christians in prison (while banning their speech) By JD Heyes for AntiChrist.News
One of the first things Americans need to understand about Democrats is that virtually every piece of legislation they propose is misnamed.
For instance, Obamacare — officially called “The Affordable Care Act” — made healthcare unaffordable for millions of Americans and far more expensive than it previously was for tens of millions more.
And the recently-passed “Equality Act” is not about ‘equal rights.’ It is actually about creating inequality among Americans by conveying extrarights onto a small subset of people who are already protected under the civil rights laws…at the risk of rights of the vast majority of all other Americans.
Last week, all Democrats in the Dem-controlled House, along with eight Republicans, voted in favor of the Equity Act. By a vote of 236-173, the act, if it passes the Senate and is signed by POTUS Trump (neither of which seems likely), will “broaden the definition of protected classes to include sex, sexual orientation and gender identity,” according to a tweet from Roll Call.
As reported by TownHall, if a person only read the title of the legislation, passage would seem like a shoe-in. But once you dig deeper into the bill, as many Republicans did, you discover:
The legislation would add sexual orientation and gender identity to characteristics protected by the 1964 Civil Rights Act. To Democrats like House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the bill is “a top priority because equality for the LGBTQ community is a top priority” for the party.
The GOP disagrees, however. The bill will mandate “top-down, government-led discrimination against all Americans who hold a differing view of human sexuality and gender,” Rep. Vicky Hartzler (R-MO) said at a press conference on Thursday.
Thus, a vote for the act “is a vote against parents, it’s a vote against women, it’s a vote against doctors, it’s a vote against educators, it’s a vote against children.”
“The Equality Act represents the absolute worst of the radical-left’s pro-infanticide, anti-conscience agenda,” Rep. Jim Banks (R-Ind.) said in a statement. “By amending the definition of ‘sex’ in the Civil Rights Act of 1964, this legislation codifies a fundamental right to an abortion up until the moment of birth. It also ensures that American taxpayers foot the bill for these abortions by effectively eliminating Hyde protections – protections I recently pledged to uphold in a letter to Speaker Pelosi.”
This bill does NOT promote ‘equality’
Not only that, but, according to The National Sentinel, the Equality Act would decimate high school sports, at least for girls, after women’s rights groups fought for decades to prohibit discrimination against female sports programs under a series of early 1970s-era civil rights laws that included Title IX.
The act would require high schools to allow biological males to compete on girl’s teams if they ‘identify’ as a female and are in the process of becoming a transgendered person.
Rep. Greg Steube (R-Fla.) introduced an amendment at the last minute to the Equality Act that would have preserved Title IX’s protections for female sports teams, but Democrats — the ‘party of women’ — rejected it soundly.
“Democrats patently do not care about preserving all-female competition at the high school level that was hard-fought and hard-won nearly a half-century ago, choosing to toss them away for the short-term political benefit of ‘protecting’ perhaps less than one-half of one percent of the U.S. population,” notes The National Sentinel.
There is nothing in the “Equality Act” that promotes or protects equality. Rather, it is simply the latest misnamed Democratic bill that actually deprives a large majority of Americans of their rights and protections.