Multi-Millionaire Who Hated God Gets Radically Saved, Now Helping Christians Level Up in Business and Christ by Dan Andros for CBN News
Michael McIntyre reached success most people only dream of achieving. A private jet. Multiple assistants. Tens of millions in revenue.
Everything changed, however, when his little daughter became ill.
Michael didn’t know it, but he’d had an army of people praying for his salvation for quite some time. They’d pretty much kept it to themselves because, in his words, he wanted “nothing to do” with born again Christians. When he looked around at the world and saw rape, chaos, murder, evil – he assumed there’s no way a good God could exist in the middle of all that.
Watch my interview with McIntyre (continue reading below):
He was living the good life of success and admits much of his identity was wrapped up in business accomplishments. Shortly after graduating and then a stint in the Air Force, Michael hit it big in the insurance industry.
“I had an insurance agency, we were one of the biggest in the country. I wrapped up a lot of my identity in the success of being the CEO of a big company. It was hard to turn that off sometimes. I’d come home and still bark orders – but then I’d have to take out the trash. It was humbling,” he explains.
He would’ve been the absolute last person on earth to predict he’d one day sell his business and become a leader in a church and founder of a faith-based event called Next Level Experience.
“I ran from Jesus for a long long time,” Michael says. Everything changed, however, not long after he sold the company.
Michael grew up Catholic but had trouble reconciling the reality of evil in the world. “I was very successful financially, but I did not like anything to do with evangelical Christianity. I figured there was God but I didn’t see Him as holy because of all the things going on in the world – death, rape, wars and that kind of thing,” he explained.