How God Turned a Convicted Murderer Into an AG Megachurch Pastor (Podcast)

How God Turned a Convicted Murderer Into an AG Megachurch Pastor Podcast by Stephen Strang for Charisma News

GNN Note – This church is close to home and I will be attending this Sunday. I was told about Pastor Davis several years ago while still attending AA meetings on a very regular basis. Apparently Pastor Davis recounts, or he used to recount, his testimony once a year but now we can hear anytime we wish, like right now. Be inspired and pass it along. Maybe there’s someone you know that is in prison, like my niece, or someone struggling with addiction and looking for a way out. Plug this in and allow the Spirit of Holiness to wash over them and through them. May the Light of the World set them free and set their feet on solid rock as He has done for myself, Pastor Davis and millions upon millions of others – including you.


Today I want to share with you one of the most amazing testimonies I’ve ever heard. Years ago, Maury Davis was convicted of a terrible murder, but now he’s an Assemblies of God minister—one of the most respected ministers in Nashville, Tennessee.

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I first heard Davis’ testimony when I attended the Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference in Tampa, Florida, recently. I was so blown away by his testimony of redemption and grace that I asked him to join me on my “Strang Report” podcast. I think you’ll be fascinated to hear his story of getting saved in jail, being delivered from demons, being released from prison early, and becoming a successful pastor. You can listen to the interview right here or in this article.

Like most people who commit crimes, Davis had a troubled childhood, which he says set him up to let the devil in.

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