5 Ways To Save Money

5 Ways To Save Money by  for Modern Survival Blog

I would like to give you five tips to help reduce your spending.

I’m sure there are plenty of people out there who are on a tight budget and don’t have much or any extra spending money. Maybe this will help.

Even while your own personal economy is doing well, it’s good practice to be careful and efficient with your money.

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Why? Because you never know when your economy will get worse… and if you had saved that money prior, then you’d have more of it when you need it.

1. Coordinate Your Errands

Driving your car costs more than you might think. There’s the obvious cost of fuel. And then there are hidden costs per mile that get you over time.

These include the occasional replacement cost of tires, break jobs, oil changes, exhaust systems, and general repairs. It all adds up to a surprising sum!

Then factor in the replacement cost of a vehicle after it’s all ‘used up’!

The equivalent cost per mile of all these things is a lot more than you think!

Since it costs $$$ to operate your vehicle:

Stop backtracking everywhere…

We all have errands to run. Places to go. A lot of money can be saved over time by coordinating your errands.

It involves planning ahead and being efficient about your driving.

For example, if you need to pick up something at Walgreens or CVS, can it wait until you do groceries since you’ll be driving nearby anyway?

Eliminate backtracking and going different directions all the time.

2. Don’t Go To ‘The Store’ Too Often

Don’t go to the store too much. That means groceries or shopping in general.

It’s tempting to buy stuff when you’re there. So if you’re not there as often, you won’t be tempted as often!

I can tell you that I get tempted when I’m at certain stores… there’s always an excuse for a new tool, right? Just be smart about it…

3. Eat Your Food Storage

This one presumes that you are into preparedness and have a food storage or ‘deep pantry’.

It’s a great idea to actually rotate and consume those foods rather than letting it all sit there.

The money saving aspect is two-fold.

One, you can restrict yourself to buying ‘food storage’ items only when they’re on sale. That’s pretty much what we do. That way when you need something, you can just get it from your ‘deep pantry’ (bought on sale) instead of adding it to your grocery list and paying full price next time you’re out.

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