The Left Is Going Berserk Over the Successful Pro-Family Conference in Verona, Italy by Brian Brown for Russia-Insider
The International Organization for the Family (IOF) has just concluded the most important, influential World Congress of Families gathering we’ve ever conducted.
The left is going berserk as they come to realize that IOF has reached a new level and is now in a position to help educate, equip and mobilize pro-family leaders and activists on a worldwide scale. And they are not too happy about our success.

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Confronted by the reality that IOF is now in a position to gain the attention and support of governmental leaders including heads of state, leaders of the world’s major religions and officials from business and industry, the Fake News and their allies on the left have launched a reputational attack on us on an unprecedented scale.
Virtually every major newspaper in Europe, and many in the US, ran articles defaming our work and portraying us in the most negative terms possible. Here are just a few snippets:
“[In] the Italian city of love, an international alliance of far-right politicians, conservative activists and religious leaders have united in hate.”
 “The World Congress of Families…provid[ed] a platform for right-wing extremists seeking to reopen the debate about abortion…[T]he leader of Italy’s other main coalition party…described the event as ‘medieval.'”
Associated Press
 “The notoriously anti-gay World Congress of Families [convened] an annual summit billed as ‘an Olympics of social conservatism”:…[O]ne of the world’s most powerful anti-choice and anti-LGBTQ groups….Half the government is endorsing WCF.”
“‘It’s being attended by characters we shouldn’t even be discussing in Italy.’ Those personalities include Brian Brown, the WCF president.”
The Guardian
We take this negative press coverage as a tremendous complement. The screaming headlines and sensational statements simply serve to underscore the point that IOF, which organizes and conducts the World Congress of Families, is making a tremendous difference, providing leadership on an international scale on behalf of the family. We are working closely with heads of state, governmental ministers, regional and local political leaders, as well as pro-family leaders and groups across the world. And we are being successful, which is why the left attacks us so viciously.