The Point: Sex Abuse Hits Southern Baptists

The Point: Sex Abuse Hits Southern Baptists by:  &  G. Shane Morris for BreakPoint

In just a few months, a Pennsylvania Grand Jury report revealed widespread sex abuse and coverup in Catholic churches, a Texas newspaper revealed widespread abuse and coverup in independent Baptist churches, and now a Houston Chronicle article reveals similar evil in Southern Baptist churches.

The pattern of abuse exposed in America’s largest Protestant denomination stretched over 20 years and involves over 700 victims. As Southern Baptist Seminary president Al Mohler writes, the report reveals two terrible facts: first, “the reality of sexual abuse committed by leaders and pastors, and second, the unwillingness of churches to investigate claims made by victims…”

Southern Baptists have a very different understanding of church government than Roman Catholics. Yet sexual abuse has struck in both. The problem isn’t hierarchy. It’s the human heart. And the name of Jesus is dragged through the mud.

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