No Money In A Cure

No Money In A Cure

GNN Note – Why would the medical industrial complex, big pharma and most of the giant “charities” want to cure cancer or any of the major medical illnesses? We have boner pills to discover, pills for illnesses that sustain the patient but never improve the health, research to conduct, more research to conduct and of course tons of over-the-counter placebo’s to “discover” because those make people believe something is being improved. Outside of over-the-counter pain relief and sinus meds I take almost zero medication. I do, however, take a lot of supplements that help with pain, healing and inflammation. The healing plants that God place on earth are here for a reason.


Rant incoming…

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Without lifelong treatments, vaccines and the whole range of Big Pharma offerings, where’s the profit? What’s the point in helping people if a real cure is the goal?

Did you know that a scientist claims to have a cure for HPV that was offered in Mexico? You probably won’t be hearing about that from Merck anytime soon.

And so it goes … Melissa Dykes covers the paradigm we are currently living under — “Is Curing Patients a Sustainable Business Model?”

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