Vatican releases combined cross and crescent logo for Pope’s trip to Morocco

Vatican releases combined cross and crescent logo for Pope’s trip to Morocco by Diane Montagna for Life Site News

GNN Note – Is this the beginning of a one world religion? Is this fulfilling prophesy? Why is this happening?


The Vatican has released a new symbol of “interreligious encounter between Christians and Muslims” in advance of Pope Francis’s upcoming visit to Morocco: a logo featuring the crescent encompassing the cross.

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But some regard the development as reminiscent of C.S. Lewis’s final Narnia book ‘The Last Battle,’ where the true religion is synthesized with the worship of the militant warrior culture of Calormene to the south of Narnia.

Cross and crescent

The official logo for the Pope’s apostolic visit to the cities of Rabat and Casablanca on March 30-31, 2019 (pictured below) was chosen from among 50 competition entries, a Jan. 7 statement released by the Vatican said.


The Vatican explained the logo’s symbolism in this way: “A cross and a crescent: the Christian cross and the Muslim crescent = the dimension of an interreligious encounter between Christians and Muslims, the meeting of Pope Francis and the Commander of the Faithful in Rabat, 800 years after Francis of Assisi’s meeting with the Sultan.”

The papal visit to the Muslim-majority nation is taking place at the invitation of King Mohammed VI of Morocco and the country’s Catholic bishops. According to the Moroccan constitution (art. 19), the king is the “Amir al-Mumineen” (Commander of the Faithful) and the defender of the [Muslim] faith.

The colors of the 2 countries are also used in the logo: green and red for Morocco, and yellow and white (the background) for the Vatican.

According to the Jan. 7 statement, the logo’s caption — “Servant of Hope” — indicates that “the Holy Father is the Servant of the Servants of God,” but adds that it is also the title of the pastoral letter which the Regional Episcopal Conference of North Africa (CERNA) gave to Pope Francis during its last ad limina visit in 2015.

Morocco’s name is written at the bottom of the logo in Arabic to “honor the country” hosting the Holy Father, it said.

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