Why We Minimize Risks of Alcohol by Dr. Joseph Mercola for Mercola Alcohol is an accepted part of almost all societies. It is so engrained in socializing and entertainment, easy to obtain and relatively inexpensive that few think twice about taking a drink or two. Certainly, we know about alcoholism and recognize alcoholics, especially when they are on “skid row,” but we don’t usually think of alcohol as a dangerous drug. But perhaps we should. Scientific reports reveal that alcohol may be among the most dangerous drugs, illegal or legal, that…
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Chronic stress is a cancer risk, but vitamin C can help
Chronic stress is a cancer risk, but vitamin C can help by: Darnel Fernandez for Natural News Chronic stress, a biological response to emotional pressure and demanding situations over a prolonged period of time, can bring about negative effects on your physical, mental and emotional well-being. These negative health effects could include a higher risk of heart disease, increased gut problems and even accelerated cognitive impairment. Now, recent research suggests that chronic stress could trigger a key mechanism that fuels the growth of cancer stem cells that create tumors. A study published in…
READ MOREVitamins, supplements and teas: Relieve anxiety naturally with these 16 home remedies
Vitamins, supplements and teas: Relieve anxiety naturally with these 16 home remedies by: Evangelyn Rodriguez for Natural News Anxiety is a normal human emotion that can be triggered by imminent danger or the presence of threats. According to science, anxiety is part of the body’s fight-or-flight response and is integral to human survival. However, this useful emotion, when experienced at disproportionate levels, can turn into anxiety disorder, a medical condition. Anxiety disorder can cause excessive apprehension, fear, nervousness, and worry and, in severe cases, become disabling. If you’re one of many people suffering from anxiety…