Witnessing For Christ Podcasts by Dr, Pastor Erwin Lutzer for Moody Church How Paul witnessed in the synagogues and in the marketplace. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
The Book of Romans – As Close As Your Mouth and Your Heart (Podcast)
The Book of Romans – As Close As Your Mouth and Your Heart Podcast by Pastor JD Greear for Summit Church Podcast HERE >>> OK, Romans 10. Romans 10 is the other side of the coin of Romans 9. The focus of Romans 9 was on God’s sovereignty in our salvation. The focus of Romans 10 is on our role in it. In Scripture, God’s sovereignty and man’s responsibility are presented as a paradox—which means something that, on the surface, appears contradictory but in reality is not. In a paradox,…
READ MOREPaul (Podcast)
Paul Podcast by Pastor Colin Smith for Unlocking the Bible Podcast Here>>> How is the Apostle Paul’s conversion on the Damascus Road a model or a pattern for us? Pastor Colin talks about how Paul’s experience is a model of what must happen in each of our lives if we are to become true Christians. More at Unlocking the Bible >>>
READ MOREPraying for the Right Things (Podcast)
Praying for the Right Things Podcast by Pastor John MacArthur for Grace to You MP3 Listen / Download HERE>>> As we open the Word of God together, it should be obvious to all of us that we are about to hear the Lord speak to us. These words that come to us from the pages of Scripture are the pure Word of God from His own heart and His own voice to us, and thus do they command our attention. The text for this morning is 2 Thessalonians chapter 1 verses 11 and 12. Second…
READ MOREThe Word and The Power
The Word and The Power For those living a true Christian life they, not only walk the walk but they in such a way that every person coming in contact with them understands and appreciates the power of the Holy Spirit dwelling within them. The fact that few people know or understand this, especially in the first few meetings, makes the power of the Living God all the more important. It is not every step that I take that I walk in this Light, maybe one day, but today is…
READ MOREDeeper In Faith
Deeper In Faith We see the Apostle Paul continually traveling around, on mission, to spread the Gospel all the while he has come to realize with each step he is moving closer to his own death. Is this part of living a full Gospel life? Are we to be so in tune with the Holy Spirit that each day we know a understand a little better when this life will transform from physical to spirit? I’ve heard it said we are spiritual beings having a human experience. If this is…