Powerful Earthquake Jolts Northwest Japan, Tsunami Warning Issued

Powerful Earthquake Jolts Northwest Japan, Tsunami Warning Issued from Breitbart News A powerful earthquake has jolted northwestern Japan, and officials are warning of a tsunami of up to three feet high along parts of the coast. Japan’s Meteorological Agency said the quake Tuesday night registered magnitude 6.8 and was located off the western coast of Yamagata about 30 miles southwest of the city of Sakata. It said the quake’s epicenter was fairly shallow, about 6 miles below the sea’s surface. Shallow quakes tend to cause more damage on the Earth’s…


How to Survive a Tornado

How to Survive a Tornado by Daisy Luther for The Organic Prepper Anyone who lives in certain parts of the country knows the signs of an approaching tornado. The wind is whipping things around and the sky turns an indescribably dark yellow-green color. Sometimes there’s hail and heavy rain that suddenly stops. The wind changes. And there’s nearly always a loud, persistent roar that becomes more deafening the closer the tornado gets. When you see signs like that, you know it’s time to take shelter immediately. These days, we have…


Flood Preparedness [4 Things You Should Do]

Flood Preparedness [4 Things You Should Do] by Ken Jorgustin for Modern Survival Blog Flood Preparedness is a topic that applies to a huge number of people.Flooding can destroy tremendous amounts of agriculture and it can damage or destroy homes (and lives). According the American Red Cross, and others, “Floods are among the most Frequent and Costly natural disasters.” Floods and Flash Flooding are natural disasters that will strike in deserts, rain forests, populated areas, rural areas, mountains, valleys… It’s pretty much possible anywhere. A flood can result from heavy…