Jesus Christ: A Name So Powerful People Call You A Bigot for Using It

Jesus Christ: A Name So Powerful People Call You A Bigot for Using It by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network Tucker Carlson is one of my favorite commentators and about the only corporate media news that I watch. Tucker Carlson doesn’t actually report on news so much as provide commentary on current events. He speaks his mind and he speaks clearly and directly. Throughout 2019 Mr. Carlson has been speaking truth directly to power, so-much-so that I have turned to my wife on a number of occasions and told…


Good News!! 94 Clinic Workers Want to Leave Their Jobs After Watching ‘Unplanned’

Good News!! 94 Clinic Workers Want to Leave Their Jobs After Watching ‘Unplanned’ by BILLY HALLOWELL for Charisma Mag GNN Note – You think this movie is not having the intended effect? Bringing people, not only back to their sense, but having run straight into the arms of Jesus Christ. I thank God everyday for this movie coming to theaters and spreading the truth. ****** Chuck Konzelman, writer and director of Unplanned, a film about Planned Parenthood clinic director turned pro-life advocate Abby Johnson, revealed Wednesday during a congressional testimony that…


Renewal of The Mind

Renewal of The Mind My mind is a bad neighborhood that is not be trusted. Without taking God along the darkness engulfs all the light. It is only His Light that breaches the darkness and returns me to stable ground. This is an ongoing minute by minute, hour by hour and day by day battle. Just today my mind had me wondering back-allies filled with monsters coming at me from every angel imaginable. It was only when I stepped back into the Light of Jesus Christ that sanity returned and…