Life… We are told a great many things about “late term abortions”, mostly they are lies to justify the guilt having murdered another human being. If anyone still thinks the babies in the womb aren’t human beings take a look. Be sure to retweet, read some of the comments and say a prayer for the 60,000,000+ that have been scarified on the altar of the state since Roe v Wade. Everyone should retweet this so @NYGovCuomo @Twitter Mentions contain this video for weeks. This incredible 4D scan captures footage of…
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The Way (New Horizon) Video
The Way (New Horizon) Video – HouseFires LYRICS Verse 1 I believe through every battle through every heartbreak through every circumstance I believe You are my fortress You are my portion You are my hiding place Chorus I believe You are the way, the truth, the life Verse 2 I believe through every blessing through every promise through every breath I take I believe You are provider You are protector You are the one I love Bridge It’s a new horizon and I’m set on You And you meet me…
READ MOREGlobalist Abort Themselves From the Planet As Populist Birth Themselves Into the Majority
Globalist Abort Themselves From the Planet As Populist Birth Themselves Into the Majority by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network Something that most of us haven’t thought about is the good news that sprang forth in New York on January 21, 2019. The satanic globalist elite passed a bill that insures the absolute demise of the radical leftist agenda. As the so-called “progressive” left continues to murder children in the mothers womb, conservative populist are not only continuing to have, and adopt, children they are having more children year after…